Friday, September 16, 2011

weight & date

I haven’t posted in a while. Life has been very hectic now that I’m working full-time and going to school two nights a week. My sleep schedule is totally off and I’m only sleeping about 6 hours per night instead of my usual 8 or so. I haven’t crashed yet, but I feel like I will soon. I’ve just been in GO GO GO mode for two weeks straight now. I’m hoping to catch up on some sleep this weekend.

I had an OK weight week this week. I overate again over the weekend (FML) so I basically spent Monday through Thursday losing that weekend weight. It’s such a frustrating and annoying cycle, but I have so much trouble reversing it or getting my eating under control over the weekend. I restrict, restrict, restrict all work-week that by the time I hit Friday I just want to RELAX and my body just wants to eat. I know I can try to adjust my calories higher during the week so I don’t feel so “deprived” and overeat during the weekend, but to be honest I don’t trust that concept. And I don’t trust myself. So I don’t want to eat higher calories during the week because I’m scared I’ll still overeat during the weekend, and that’s just a complete lose/lose situation. So I’d rather try and do it this way. It’s a work in progress more than anything. I can’t expect my weekend eating habits to completely change overnight. When I “overeat” during the weekend I don’t mean in the sense that I completely binge and eat tens of thousands of calories. I just don’t eat very healthily. I eat lots of junk food in individual sizes like: one person lean cuisine pizza, 6-pack of oreo cookies, small box of cheese itz, pb sandwich at my parents’ house, pretzels, etc, etc. So to that point, I also think the majority of the “weekend weight” I gain is just water weight and glycogen. BUT, that’s still reflected in the scale so when I weigh-in on Monday morning it can sometimes be as much as +5lbs from my Friday weight (gross, I know). But then I’ll restrict all day on Monday and my weight will drop -3lbs for Tuesday’s weigh-in and then over the next couple of days I’ll lose about 1lb per day. So basically, I make like NO PROGRESS AT ALL on a week to week basis. Wow, I need to work on this... I guess the good part is that I am feeling much leaner than I was a few months ago.

I want to be skinny for fall clothes so I need to really, really, really work on this.

Other parts of my life have been good. I’m going on a date tonight! With a boy I met on Saturday at my friend’s place. I have butterflies just thinking about it AH. The moment he walked into the apartment I was completely drawn to him. He’s tall, dark, and handsome. We chatted on/off throughout the night and had a lot in common. I had to leave early to go meet up with some other friends, but last night I got a text from his cousin (who I’ve met a couple of times now and have slowly became friends with) that said N asked for my number and if it was ok to give it to him :) At one point on Saturday, M (who is gay and fabulous) and I were talking about what our “type” was and I said N was totally my type and he said he would “make that happen” haha. I didn’t really think it would though (because I have zero self-confidence), so I’m very excited about all this.

I plan to catch up on everyone's blogs this weekend. I hope you all are doing well.


  1. hopefully your date went well ;) i think we all have a love-hate relationship with weekends. i almost always binge on the, and it SUCKS, i always gain weight. They just give me too much time to think, and my mind eventually drifts to food and i eat like a fucking cow! :( DAMN WEEKENDS FOR BEING SO TEMPTING!

  2. Don't text him.. have you seen the movie " he is not that into you" or something like that... anyways.. if a guy really wants a date he makes time for it... no matter what..
    I think you should just be cool and don't contact him. If you do go on a date then you can bring it up.. if not it is his loss and you are better off without..


  3. This is so weird".. I made the comment on your other post from my cell..... I have no idea how it ended up here ;$

  4. Kitty - that is weird! Thanks for the comment though.I was actually thinking about that movie this weekend haha. I think there's a lot of truth to it. I haven't initiated a text at all with him and I really don't plan to until sometime after we actually go out gah. I basically completely overanalyze any and all interactions I have with guys I like, but yeah I'm going to let him keep pursing me for now. Hopefully this date happens soon!
