Wednesday, December 28, 2011

dress concerns

I'm getting really nervous about my NYE dress. I love it but it's really tight and on the short side. I bought a pair of shapers and I honestly don't think they make much of a difference. I have a small stomach pooch and I'm convinced the shapers make it more pronounce. I'm going to have to do another comparison tonight. I'm seriously thinking of running over the the mall tomorrow to see if I can find another dress. I'm really picky and time's running out so I'm nervous I won't find anything. I do have another dress that I have as a backup but I really don't want to wear it because I've already worn it several times and I wanted to wear something new for NYE. I'm posting a picture of my dress below. Please tell me what you think and if you can see my stomach pooch that I'm talking about. I thought I would be able to look leaner and thinner if I worked hard enough this week but with only a two days left I'm not so sure I can do it.

(photo removed)


  1. In that picture, you look amazing in that dress. It's gorgeous. Honestly.
    I can't see a pooch at all. I think we get more self-conscious and uncomfortable the longer we look at ourselves, when the reality is that others don't see what we do. If you feel uncomfortable at all, I'm sure two days of hard work will help you feel better. But trust me, you look fantastic. People will be drooling over you.

  2. It's a beautiful dress and it looks beautiful on you. Keep it :)

  3. It's perfect!!! You should keep it :)

  4. Wow I love you girls. you have completely made my day and helped me in ways you can't imagine.

  5. You're welcome *hugs*
