Saturday, March 31, 2012

30 day shred

My friend lent me Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and I've been doing it consistently since Sunday. I haven't taken measurements, but my weight is down and I'm looking much leaner (I've been taking progress photos). I've made a personal commitment/personal challenge to stick with the program for all 30 days. It's only 20 minutes each day so I really have NO excuse not to do it every signal day. Even on my work + school days I've been doing it at 10pm after I get home and before I eat/shower/bed. I like the program for the most part. It consists of three circuits of 3 mins of strength training, 2 minutes of cardio, and 1 minute of abs. There's a lot of pushups, dumbbell curls, squats, lunges, chest flies, so I dropped my weight lifting stuff at the gym and I'm just doing cardio, cardio, cardio at the gym.

The program has been a good motivator to help me eat clean and healthy. I don't want to put all that work in only to ruin it with a poor diet of junk food. Yesterday was sort of a cheat day. I had a couple of glasses of wine (it was Friday!) and a few Pop Chips. My calories were still low and the rest of my meals were very healthy.

I'm dying to get my abs back before summer. I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, want a toned and fit and slim and thin bikini body for this summer. Like, REALLY BAD. And I know if I put the hard work in NOW I can achieve it by the time the warm weather gets here. It's just very, very hard. Very hard. But I'm going to take it one day at a time, one month/30 days at a time.


  1. i just watched a preview video of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred...that looks awesome! i just might get it, thanks for the idea :)
    sounds like you are committed, motivated and are working hard toward a reasonable goal so keep it can surely do it!

  2. shebeelu - you should definitely get it! It's an awesome workout and everyone who's done it has seen results.
