Saturday, March 24, 2012


Up early on a Saturday morning to get my gym workout in. I'm doing chest, back, abs and lots of hard cardio so I can burn the layer of fat that's covering my muscles. I made a killer playlist to keep me motivated throughout the gym session. I want this more than anything and I know I can get there if I just my eye on the prize. This past week the weather was gorgeous and very summer-like, which has given me that little extra push to do what I need to do to get ready for summer.

The workout part is easy. The eating is where I struggle. Sometimes after a stressful week from work all I want to do is sit on the couch and veg out with some wine and snacks. Yummy, high calorie, empty calorie snacks. I need to break that habit big time because eating those kinds of foods undoes all that hard work I put in the gym. Ugh. I just don't know how. It's easy to talk myself into eating something my saying that "I'll just do some extra cardio tomorrow." I need to work on that...

I hope all you girls are doing well. I plan to catch up on everyone's blogs this afternoon.

EDIT: I just got back from the gym and had an intense workout. I'm still far from my goal, but each gym session brings me one step closer. I've decided that I want to try my best to keep myself positive. I believe that positive thoughts translates into positive actions. I'm sick and tired of thinking negatively about myself and bringing myself down day after day. This is a new year for me and I plan to build myself back up.. because no one else is going to do that for me.

1 comment:

  1. Keep going at it hon :) It doesn't sound like you are that far from your goal.. Just keep at it :)
