Saturday, November 19, 2011


i haven't been doing that well lately. i haven't been consistent. i haven't been working out as much as i should be. and as much as i used to. i've been eating more junk over the past three months than i have over the past there years. the stress of work + school is really taking a toll on me. i'm maintaining now, but that's not good. i lost a few pounds before i started school and i kept it off for a while, but now i think i gained it all back.

tonight i went out dancing with some friends and every time my crush touched or squeezed my stomach i cringed because i felt like i was fat. i don't have class next week because of thanksgiving so i'm planning to spend hours and hours and hours in the gym. the holidays are coming up and i don't want to be fat and spiral out of control.


  1. I'm sure that you'll get back on track :)

  2. It sounds like you have a good plan, I find making time to hit the gym or run during the holidays really helps.
