Tuesday, February 28, 2012

feeling good

Things are going really well. Granted, it's only been a couple of days that I've been able to get back on track BUT I'm feeling good about myself and my progress thus far. Eating Right and Working Out and seeing the Scale Go Down has been a huge motivator for me to keep going and not slip up. It's hard work (as you know!) and reminding myself that it's hard helps me avoid situations and actions that will reverse my progress.

Yesterday was particularly good. I was off from work and ended up fasting until 4pm then I just kept my calories clean and low for the rest of the day. I was so productive during the morning - gym, homework, cleaning. It just felt really good. Today I packed a small salad for lunch. It's going to be a busy day with work and school so I won't be able to hit the gym, but I'm OK with that since I got a good workout in yesterday and will be able to go Wed-Sun.


  1. Yay! :D :D :D I love reading about girls getting back on track. It definitely motivates me to do the same. Keep going! Proud. Xo

  2. Glad you are feeling better ^^

    No stay strong and keep going ^^
