Tuesday, May 14, 2013

10 day challenge

I plan to embark on a personal 10-day challenge starting tomorrow. I will restrict to 700-900 calories per day of high protein, low carb, low fat foods and I workout at least 7 of those days. I have a dinner/party event on Thursday so I will substitute some food calories for alcohol calories and may even adjust my calorie limit upward. We'll see. I'm doing this because summer is right around the corner and I'm still fat. Still not bikini ready. And I need to structure an discipline of this plan. It's hard, difficult, and grueling as shit but it gets me results. So I will need to suck it up and just do it for the next 10 days. Next Friday my sister is flying into town for the long weekend and we're going to be shopping all weekend so I want to be/feel skinny.

The juice fast I did last month went really well. I lost 7lbs or something ridiculous over the 3 days. It was great and I felt fantastic (light and full of energy). But, of course, since then my eating has let up and I've gained the weight back. I went on vacation to Florida last week and ate ice cream, pizza, dinner rolls, etc. I really can't control myself anymore. It's either all or nothing. Just a few years ago I was so, so disciplined and would eat so clean. I had a flat stomach, toned arms, toned thighs, etc. Now I look so pudgy and untoned.

I tried to get into the Tracy Anderson DVDs (again). I'm sure I would get awesome results if I did them consistently - especially in my arms - but the working out at home with DVDs bores me to death. I have no motivation to workout in my apartment. I NEED to get out of apartment and go to the gym or even just outside when I workout. It's all mental.

This 10-day challenge is going to be all mental too, which is why I plan to make daily posts in here to hold me accountable. If I don't post please call me out on it!!


  1. I gained most of my juice weight back and now I'm on another one. I know what you mean about all or nothing. That's why juicing is one good way to count on nothing and not screwing up. Good luck on your challenge.

  2. Yes! I find that juicing makes the whole thing a whole lot easier because it takes away a lot of the guess work and the constant thoughts of "what am i going to eat for lunch? for dinner? for a snack? does it fit within my calorie budget?" You just drink your juice and you're done. Good Luck! I think I may do another one soon too.
