Saturday, August 20, 2011

happiness is a state of mind

I'm trying best to be positive right now, but that's hard to do sometimes when the scale dictates my mood on a daily basis. I'm not going to allow myself to freak out though. That never leads to anything good. I know that.

To recap:

Thursday was my "big event." Last week I made a goal to be at least 120 or lower for the event. I just made it and weighed in at 120 that morning. I wrote about the event in my last post. It was all good and fun. I ate (more than usually) and drank.

Friday was a mostly unproductive day. I know I'm getting old when it takes me a full day to recover from a night of drinking hard liquor. I spent most of the day in bed. I weighed myself and the scale was up from the day before.. due to the event food/drinks but also my period which happily greeted me when I woke up. UGH I was hungover and exhausted and bloated all day. I skipped breakfast and lunch and got a sandwich and soup for dinner. I hadn't eaten a sandwhich in the longest time! But after starving myself for days I decided to "treat" myself to it. Also, I felt like shit. I went to the gym even though I felt gross and did 20 mins of weights and 45 mins on the elliptical. I ate rice crackers after I got home.

Today I woke up and weight myself and AGAIN my weight was up. I really don't want to freak out about it because I KNOW that it's the extra food sitting in my gut, the alcohol from the past 3 days, and my period. It takes 3500 calories to gain one pound of fat. I have to keep reminding myself this because if I don't I risk throwing all of my progress out the window and "binging" on junk and fatty foods to help soothe my frustration and depression. I know myself and I know that cycle well.

Today I'm going to try and stay positive. I'm visitng my sister and have already had toast with peanut butter for breakfast. I don't allow myself to buy and store these foods (my favorite) in my own apartment, so when I visit family and they have these "forbidden" foods I usually eat them. The portions are controlled since I don't like to look like a fatty/eat a lot in front of others. Tomorrow I may do a fast 5. Monday-Wednesday morning my sister will be staying with me. This means dinners out. I'm sort of freaking out about it already because I get very anxious when my routine gets interrupted. I will still workout, but eating will be a wild card.


  1. im sure the weight gain is just your period. And having my routine fucked with always results in binging for me so stay strong. Thanks for following me and i look forward to following your progress as well!

  2. You are doing well trying to keep your mind under control. You can't let the numbers on the scale rule your day. I know food already does.

    What's a fast 5?

  3. Thin_Envy: Thanks for following! I'm happy I found your blog. I really like the way you write.

    Rachel B. Nutt: Fast 5 is a type of intermittent fasting. You fast for about 19 hours (10pm-5pm) and then eat within a 5 hour period (5pm-10pm). When I do I fast until 5pm and then just eat dinner. I don't use the 5 hour eating window thing.
